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What’s so great about tilapia fish?

What’s so great about tilapia fish?

Tilapia has become increasingly popular across the US and beyond — and it’s easy to understand why.

Not only is it generally more affordable than fish like salmon, but it also has a mild, delicate flavor and a firm, succulent texture that melts in the mouth, making it versatile and delicious. As a result, tilapia provides an excellent canvas for a range of tasty recipes across different culinary cultures.

With an attractive white flesh and no overpowering fishy smell, tilapia is ideal for discerning foodies and fussy children alike. Plus, it’s quick and easy to prepare and can be cooked in several ways: pan-fried, grilled, steamed, stir-fried, poached, or roasted — the options are endless.

As a result, responsibly farmed tilapia is a family-friendly protein source packed with nutrients and gentle on the planet. It’s no wonder that this seafood superstar is popping up more and more in leading food stores…

Still new to the world of tilapia? Here are some more reasons why it’s worth diving in…

Tilapia is the healthy choice

Perhaps the most significant driver behind the growing consumption of tilapia fish is its impressive dietary value.

There have been a lot of misconceptions about the quality of the species over the years, with some people believing tilapia are genetically engineered or that they only eat human and animal waste.

In reality, responsible aquaculture producers like Regal Springs raise tilapia in clean, oxygen-rich freshwater environments and feed them a vegetable-based diet. The end product is free from contaminants, chemicals, and mercury — meaning it’s safe for anyone (even pregnant women!) who wants to enjoy fish in their diet.

Tilapia is also renowned for having a high lean protein content (approximately 23 g in a serving, to be exact) while remaining low in calories, fat, and carbohydrates — making it a top choice for fitness enthusiasts and other health-conscious consumers.

It really is a powerhouse of nutrients, boasting omega-3 levels that rival other popular white fish species such as cod and plenty of vitamin B12, niacin, selenium, phosphorus, and magnesium to support healthy bodily functions. To top it all off, it’s also gluten-free!

And the more sustainable choice!

Preserving marine ecosystems is an increasingly important consideration for today’s seafood consumers.

According to research presented by GlobeScan and the Marine Stewardship Council in November 2022, 68% of North Americans agree they need to eat seafood from sustainable sources to save the oceans. Plus, more than half of consumers said they’d pay more for certified sustainable fish despite growing economic concerns.

As more people look for sustainable protein alternatives from a responsible source, effective tilapia aquaculture can reliably meet the ongoing demand for sustainable blue foods without damaging ocean environments.

Tilapia are omnivores, which makes them a low-trophic level species. That means their feeding behaviors have a smaller environmental impact than a fish like tuna, which are larger and higher in the food chain and therefore require more energy and resources to grow.

So, by following best practices and utilizing every part of the fish in valuable by-products like fish meal and pet food, tilapia fish producers can feed global populations while protecting marine environments — reducing the threat to wild-caught species and mitigating illegal overfishing.

It’s ideal for aquaculture

The fact that tilapia is a perfect candidate for affordable aquaculture makes it an ideal choice for any food retailer looking to boost its portfolio of responsibly sourced seafood that can consistently meet growing demand.

Tilapia fish have a range of characteristics that make them ideal for freshwater fish farming. Firstly, they can thrive in difficult habitats and have strong immune systems — a dream come true for aquaculture producers looking for a robust fish that’s relatively easy to cultivate and manage.

They’re also among the fastest growing farmed fish on the planet, maturing rapidly in warm water to reach a desirable market size and contribute to global fish stocks much quicker than many wild species.

That’s why Regal Springs is pioneering responsible tilapia aquaculture to grow healthy fish that add precious protein to world food supplies without diminishing threatened ocean stocks.

Our aquaculture experts care for our tilapia throughout their life cycles — raising them from eggs to fingerlings to adults in our meticulously monitored hatcheries and freshwater lakes.

By minimizing stress at every stage and ensuring all our fish are packaged within just a few hours of harvest, we meet the highest animal welfare standards and lock in freshness to create high-quality products enjoyed by customers worldwide.

Interested in supplying your customers with products from the world’s #1 producer of premium, sustainably farmed tilapia? Contact our locally based teams today for more information about where to buy Regal Springs tilapia.